

Group Classes Coming Soon!

Circuit Training

Circuit Training is a combination of 6 or more exercises performed with short rest periods between them for either a set number of repetitions or a prescribed amount of time. one circuit is when all of the chosen exercises have been completed. Multiple circuits can be performed in one training session.

High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a popular kind of exercise that involves exerting your maximum energy during short periods of time. HIIT workouts require you to use bursts of high-intensity strength and cardio exercises followed by brief periods of recovery.


Bootcamp is a type of HIIT that includes functional movement such as whole body, multi joint exercises that stimulate movements people do in life.


Yoga is a combination of physical postures. breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is a movement that promotes mental and physical well-being.

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